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Famous Dentists in History

March 27th, 2024

Every six months or so you head down to your local dentist for a teeth cleaning, but have you ever thought that your dentist could one day be famous? Well, the chances are unlikely, however, there have been a number of dentists throughout history that have achieved acclaim and celebrity coming from a profession that…
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Why Are We Recommending a Periodontal Consultation?

March 20th, 2024

The best way to protect yourself from gum disease is to be proactive: practice good oral hygiene at home and schedule regular checkups and cleanings in our Nampa office. How do you know if your dental routine is doing the job? There are specific symptoms you might notice when you brush and floss, and less…
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Going Green for St. Patrick’s Day?

March 13th, 2024

Happily for all of us who like to celebrate with friends and family, there’s no need to be Irish to enjoy St. Patrick’s Day. Every March 17th, many of us take the opportunity to display a bit of Gaelic spirit. Green Clothing (it’s tradition!) Green Hat (for a jaunty look) Green Shamrock (always the perfect…
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March is National Nutrition Month!

March 6th, 2024

While you don’t have to wait to start eating right, March is the month the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics asks everyone to pay special attention to what goes into our bodies. The Academy has designated the month of March for focusing the public’s awareness on what they eat. What Not to Eat The academy…
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